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Domain FAQ

  1. What is the procedure for registering a new domain name?
  2. How do I transfer an existing domain name?
  3. What is propagation?
  4. How do I register a non-US domain name?
  5. Whom shall I contact regarding domain name billing?

  1. What is the procedure for registering a new domain name?

    If you wish, GlobeInt.com, Inc. will be happy to assist you in the entire process of registering your new domain name. For U.S. domain names (.com, .net, .org), we will send your domain name registration request to a registrar. We will add a charge of $70 to your first bill for hosting services to cover the first two years of registration. In the third and subsequent years, we will bill you $35 per year to cover the continuing costs of registration.

    The relevant information from the order form you submit to us will be forwarded immediately to an accredited registrar to register your domain name. The registrar typically completes the registration process within 24 hours of receipt. The propagation process normally requires 48 hours.

    If you would like to simply register a domain name at this time without signing up for hosting services, we offer free domain parking here. If you reserve your domain name in this way, you can activate it with a hosting account at anytime. You should receive confirmation that your domain name has been registered within one week of submitted your request; if not, please contact us. If you have specific concerns about the registration process or about the information that has been submitted to InterNIC then please e-mail us at support@globeint.com.

    Although GlobeInt.com, Inc. is fully able to host non-U.S. domains, we cannot register such domains with the appropriate foreign domain name authority. Non-U.S. domain names must be registered by our customers; see below for further information.

  2. How do I transfer an existing domain name?

    If you have already registered your domain name elsewhere, GlobeInt.com, Inc. will try to assist you in transferring your domain to us. The transfer process depends on the registrar with whom you registered your domain name.

    If you registered your domain name with Network Solutions, you can indicate on your GlobeInt.com, Inc. order form that you would like GlobeInt.com, Inc. to request the transfer for you. We will make the request, and Network Solutions will request confirmation by sending a message to the e-mail address they have on file for you. Once they receive an e-mail response from you to confirm the transfer, they will go ahead and transfer the domain name to our network, usually within 48 hours.

    Other registars such as Register.com and Namesecure request that you login to their systems, using the login and password they assigned you, and transfer the domain name yourself. Once you login, you will come across a link that allows you to change your nameserver information.
    In that section, please update your nameserver information to the following:


    Please contact other registrars directly to ask about their domain transfer procedures. Inform them that you wish to transfer your domain to GlobeInt.com, Inc., and provide them with the nameserver information listed above.

    While waiting for the new nameserver information to propagate around the Internet, we recommend maintaining your site at your current host to avoid down time for your site. During this time, you can use the IP address that we gave you to mirror your web site on GlobeInt.com Inc.'s servers until the transfer is complete.

    If you have any further questions, feel free to contact our support staff.support@globeint.com

  3. How do I register a non-US domain name?

    Although GlobeInt.com, Inc. welcomes and currently hosts many international domains, we do not register international domains. We provide here a general overview of the process, which differs slightly from country to country.

    First, check with the domain registration agency to verify that your new domain name is available.

    Second, check to see whether the domain registration agency for your country requires an account to be created on GlobeInt.com, Inc.'s servers before they will proceed with the domain registration procedure. IF SO, submit your order to GlobeInt.com Inc. before requesting the registration of your domain name. We will then email to you information about your account, including your IP address and information about nameservers and their net addresses. This is the information typically required by your country's domain registration agency to register the domain. You should wait 48 hours between receipt of your order confirmation from GlobeInt.com, Inc. and submission of your domain registration request, to allow time for the nameserver information to propagate.

  4. What is propagation?

    When a visitor types your domain name into their Web browser, their request is referred to a nameserver that indicates the physical location (the IP address) of your domain on the Internet. When your site location changes to a new IP address, or when a new domain name is added, nameservers around the world must be notified of the change. This process is referred to as propagation.

    Propagation normally requires 48-72 hours. During this period, if you are transferring your domain, some nameservers will refer to the old location of your site and some to the new location. Therefore, a visitor accessing your site may be directed to either the old or new location. If some visitors are still being directed to your old site location after 72 hours have elapsed, you should contact your previous Internet Presence Provider and request them to update their DNS and delete your domain from their servers. Once this has been done, and this change has been completely propagated, the transfer to your new location will be complete.

  5. Whom shall I contact regarding InterNIC billing?

    If you requested GlobeInt.com, Inc. to handle the process of registering your domain name, we handle the billing for your registration charges. (See the answer to Question 1 above.)

    If you handled the registration process for your domain name yourself, all questions and payments regarding domain name registration should be directed to your domain name registrar. Your registrar typically charges a fee to cover an initial registration period, and then charges an annual fee thereafter. If you are not sure who your registar is, please contact oursupport staff and we will find out for you.

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