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Home :: Support :: On-Line Manual :: Chapter 1: Getting Started

1: Getting Started 2: General Features 3: CGI Scripts 4: eCommerce 5: Multimedia & Database 6: FrontPage 7: Control Panel

Chapter 1 - Getting Started

1.1.1 Activating Your Account

In order to activate your account with GlobeInt.com, Inc., you will need to access Control Panel. Please log into SiteControl using the login information provided for you via email from our support department. You will need to go to

in order to access your account. You will be prompted with the following setup procedures.

A. Setting Up Your Master Account Password

Once you have logged into SiteControl, you will be prompted to enter your master account password. 1The master account password is the password that you will use in order to upload files or check your default email account. You master account name is your username. For example, if you domain name is xyz.com, your master account name and user name will be xyz. You will need to set your master account password here. It is recommended that you make your password something easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess.
1It is required that you password be at least 6 characters in length with at least one number.

B. Setting Up Your Email Client

After you have set your master account password, you will be given the option of setting up your email client. If you wish to set up you email client at this time, you can click on the links corresponding to the email application you are using. Detailed instructions are provided for you to set up your email client. If you wish to use the web-based email, you can skip this page by clicking on skip this step. For details on how to setup your email client, please go to section 1.3 of the online manual. *You can also access this section at any time by clicking on Troubleshooting in the left hand column of SiteControl.

C. Uploading Your Files

When you have set your email client, or have skipped that section, you will be given the settings required for uploading your files to our servers. If you wish to see these settings now, please click on the link corresponding to your FTP or publishing software. 2You can access this page at anytime by clicking on Troubleshooting in the left hand column of SiteControl. If you clicked on FTP, here is what you should see:

    HOSTSERVER: yourdomain.com or
    USERNAME: yourdomain
(If you clicked on Microsoft FrontPage, you will see everything above except for directory path.)

Hostserver: This is your domain name without "www". Also, please note that for the first 10 days you will want to use your IP address to upload your files. If you have any difficulty accessing your account with the domain name after this period, please submit your request to support@globeint.com. If you have registered your domain with any registrar other than Network Solutions, please make sure that you have followed the transfer procedures outlined in your order confirmation email. This message should be titled "Thank you for your order".

Username: Please note that this is what is stated and NOT the customerID that you have used to access SiteControl. This is your domain name without ".com".

Password: Please note that this is your Master Account password and NOT the password that you have used to access SiteControl. You are free to change this password at anytime using the Account Manager.

Directory Path: This is the directory to which you will need to upload your files.

2If you have any difficulties uploading your files, you can refer to section 1.2 of the manual for more information.

Your account has now been activated and you are ready to upload!!

1.1.2 Domain Name Registration and Transfers

Q. I just activated my account inside SiteControl. Is my domain name active?

A. Not just yet. At the time of ordering if you indicated that your domain name is new, we submit the domain name registration request to the domain registrar. Once your domain name is registered with the registrar, which usually takes 24 hours from the time we submit the request, there is a propagation delay period of another 24 to 48 hours. It usually takes 48 to 72 hours after you place your order with us for your domain name to be active.

During the propagation period, all the name servers of the world are being informed of your domain name's existence on GlobeInt.com's network. The name server at your ISP must be updated with this new information for you to start using your domain name rather than your IP address. The propagation period could take anywhere from 48 hours to two weeks. It depends on how fast your ISP's nameservers are updated as well as certain conditions on the Internet. This is something we (in fact no human) have any control over. You should check everyday to see if you can bring up your web site by typing your domain name in your browser.

Q. I'm transferring my domain to GlobeInt.com from another hosting company? How long is this going to take?

A. It should generally take 72 hours. However it's not uncommon for transfer to take a lot longer than this. If your domain has not been transferred for 72 hours, please contact support@globeint.com

Q. So how do I upload my files? Do I have to wait until my domain name is active?

A. No. You can start uploading your files right now using your IP address. Where you would use your domain name, you would instead put your IP address. In a browser this would be something like http://164.xxx.xxx.xxx; if your ftp program asks for hostserver, put 164.xxx.xxx.xxx; if FrontPage98 asks for where to publish the website, put 164.xxx.xxx.xxx.

BTW, if you are transferring your domain to us, you are responsible for uploading your files associated with your Web site. GlobeInt.com does not transfer your web site. We only help you transfer your domain name.

Q. I have non-US domains (.ca, .cc, .co.uk, etc). I need your DNS information.

A. Though we host non-US domains, we do not register or transfer these domains. To do this, you would need to contact the appropriate NIC authority for the respective TLDs (Top Level Domains). Here is our DNS information you can use:

    GloebInt.com DNS (Domain Name Servers) Information
    Primary Server Hostname NS1.HOSTNOC.NET
    Primary Server Netaddress
    Secondary Server Hostname NS2.HOSTNOC.NET
    Secondary Server Netaddress

1.1.3 E-mail

Q. How do I setup my email client software such as Eudora or Outlook so I can read my email that comes to my GloebInt.com, Inc. domain?

A. If you have setup your email software before, then all you need to change is the POP3/SMTP setting, username and password. Your POP3 or incoming mail server) is simply [yourdomain].com.

Or you can follow the instruction found at 1.3.1 Setting Up Your Email.

1.1.4 Contacting Technical Support

Please contact us using the page.

Note to Microsoft FrontPage Users: Please check out Chapter 6 of our online manual before contacting support. You may find that answers to your question are already posted.

1.1.5 Adding additional items on your domain

If you wish to add additional items such as Domain Alias, RealAudio, Volano Java Chat, and/or etc., you can request for those items using our Contact Us form.

Please note that you will not be charged for items that are included with your plan.

For future reference, detailed instructions for SiteControl are also available at SiteControl - Web-based Control Panel

1.1.6 Contacting our Billing Department

Please send an email to billing@globeint.com Please include your customer ID or login ID as well as your domain name.

1.1.7 Changing your credit card information securely

Currently, we are not accepting payments with credit cards. We are in a process of restructuring the credit card department.

1.1.8 General Facts

Server OS: Linux 2.0.36
Apache: 1.3.4
Hardware Configuration: Dual Pentium III with Ultrawide SCSI HDD
Internal Network: Fast Ethernet Switch (100Mbps) Based
Internet Connectivity: Multiple T3 and OC3 to diverse backbones

1.1.9 Changing Usernames and Passwords

  • Username changes can be made using SiteControl at http://YOURDOMAINNAME.com/cpanel
    Please note that the default username we assigned to you originally can NOT be changed.
  • Password changes for all your users can be made at http://YOURDOMAINNAME.com/cpanel

    1.1.10 Acceptable Usage Policy

    Please review our Terms of Service document.

    1.2.1 Uploading Your Web Site


    • All passwords, usernames, and file names are case sensitive.
    • Any and all files you want to be accessed via a browser should be placed in your www directory.
    • Your home page (the first page that is loaded when visitors come to your website) must have one of following names:

      Please note that in the examples which follow, YOURDOMAINNAME.com will be used. If your domain name ends with .net, .org, or a non-US top level domain name, you will simply substitute that in place of the .com

    1.2.2 Using FTP

    Here are step by step instructions for using WS_FTP version LE:

    1. Open your ftp program. If you don't know how to do this, you may not have it installed. If that is the case, go to www.download.com and download WS_FTP LE and install it.
    2. When you get the session properties window, click new.
    3. Fill in:
      • HOST NAME: yourdomain.com or YOUR IP ADDRESS (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
      • HOST TYPE: Automatic
      • PASSWORD: As Provided
    4. Click Connect
    5. When you are connected, you will see some files/directories on the remote window side (should be on the right).
    6. Upload your files. NOTE: Upload html files as ascii and graphics as binary.

    1.2.3 Using WS_FTP LE (32-bit) 5.08

    A. Where do I get WS_FTP LE:

    1. Goto http://download.cnet.com/
    2. Enter WsFTP and Click Search
    3. Download Ws_FTP LE and install it on your machine.
    B. How do I connect to my account:

    **The following instructions were written for WS_FTP LE (32-bit) 5.08**

    1. After starting Ws_FTP LE the below window called Session Properties will pop up.
    **If this window does not pop up Click the Connect button in the bottom right hand corner.**

    C. Explanation of Interface:

    D. How do I upload my files:

    **Remember to name the file you wish to have people see first index.htm or index.html**
    **You may wish to delete the index.htm already on your server. (Default Under Construction Page)**

    1.2.4 Using CuteFTP (32-bit) 4.0

    A. Where do I get CuteFTP:

    1. Goto http://download.cnet.com/
    2. Enter CuteFTP and Click Search
    3. Download CuteFTP and install it on your computer
    B. How do I connect to my account:

    **The following instructions were written for CuteFTP (32-bit) 4.0**

    1) After starting CuteFTP a window called FTP Connection Wizard will pop up. In this wizard you will be asked the following questions:

    A) Choose your ISP: If you do not see your ISP use Other
    B) A label for your site: Use yourdomain.com
    C) FTP host address: Use yourdomain.com or ipaddress
    D) Username: Enter yourdomain name without the (.com)
    Password; Enter your Master Account password in the password box
    **you set the Master Account Password in SiteControl**
    E) Default Local Directory: Choose the folder with your website
    F) Finally Click the Finish button at the bottom of the screen.

    **A window called Login Message will confirm you are connected. Click the OK button.**

    C. Explanation of Interface:

    D. How do I upload my files:
    ** Remember to name the file you wish to have people see first index.htm or index.html**
    **You may wish to delete the index.htm already on your server. (Default Under Construction Page)**

    1) Double Click Method:

    2) Drag & Drop Method:

    3) Queue Method:

    1.2.5 Publishing with Netscape Composer

    **These instructions were written for Netscape 4.73**

    A. How do I Publish with Composer:
    1) Click the Publish button on the toolbar or choose Publish from the File menu

    2) A new window will appear that asks the following questions:

    A) Page Title: Type the name you wish to have displayed in the top left hand corner of your browser
    B) HTML Filename: Type the Name you wish your file to be saved as
    C) HTTP or FTP Location to publish to: ftp://yourdomainname.com/www/nameoffile.htm
    D) Username: Type yourdomain name without the ( .com )
    E) Password: Your Master Account Password. **you assigned this password in SiteControl.**

    3) Finally Click the OK button to publish

    1.2.6 Using Microsoft® FrontPage® 98

    Goto FrontPage Explorer
    File | Publish FrontPage Web
    Click on More Webs
    Type in your IP address (64.xxx.xxx.xxx) or yourdomain.com
    Type in username/password

    1.2.7 Using Microsoft® FrontPage® 2000

    Open FrontPage2000
    File | Publish Web..
    Type in "http://your_ip_address or http://yourdomain.com
    Type in username/password

    This shouldn't prompt you for ftp server but rather connect to your root server directly. In fact if it asks for ftp server, that means that your FrontPage extensions are corrupted. In this case, you would need to backup all your files, and ask us to reinstall your FrontPage extensions. Once the reinstall is complete, you will be informed by us. At this point, you can upload your files again using the method described above.

    1.2.8 Windows 2000 Network Place

    1) Double Click on My Network Places

    2) Double Click on Add Network Place

    3) Enter http://yourdomain.com for Location of network place.

    4) Enter Username and Password
    Username: Domain (Without .com, .net, .org)
    Password: Master_Account (**Set in SiteControl**)

    5) Enter a name for you Network Place

    6) Click Finish

    You have now created a FTP connection to your website that you can access in My Network Places.  You can upload and manage files like you would in the windows environment.

    1.3.1 Setting Up Your Email

    When you first setup your account with us, you are assigned a default email account. Default email account is yourdomain@yourdomain.com. This account is also your catch-all account. This means that any_email_address@yourdomain.com will end up in this account. This ensures that you will not miss any email coming to your domain name.

    What is the difference between POP3 email account vs. email alias?

    Each POP3 email account comes with its own password. Let's say you want to give each of your five employees his/her own email account. Then you would request additional email accounts to be setup. An email alias just forwards email to a real POP3 email account. For example, the name of the POP3 email account is john-yourdomain@yourdomain.com. Then you can create john@yourdomain.com as an email alias for john-domain@yourdomain.com. This means that whenever someone sends an email to john@yourdomain.com, the email will be forwarded to john-domain@yourdomain.com Email aliases can be set up by yourself. For instructions, please go to Section 2.2.

    Setting Up Your Email Software
    1.3.2 Microsoft Outlook Express

    1.3.3 Microsoft Outlook

    1.3.4 Netscape Communicator

    1.3.5 Eudora

    1.3.6 Other Email Programs

    1.3.2 Microsoft Outlook Express

    1. Goto Tools | Accounts
    2. Click on Add | Mail
    3. In Display Name, type whatever you want. Click "Next"
    4. E-mail address: whatever@[yourdomain].com Click "Next"
    5. My incoming mail server is a "POP3".
    6. Incoming Mail(POP3 or IMAP)server: mail.[yourdomain].com
    7. Outgoing Mail(SMTP) server: mail.[yourdomain].com or what your ISP provided you.*
    8. Click Next
    9. POP account name: [username], Password: [passwd] Click "Next".
    10. Internet Mail Account Name: whatever you want
    11. Choose your connection type depending on your connection method. If using AOL, choose "Connect through ...LAN..." option.
    12. Click "Finish"
    *Using SMTP Server

    Per dialup session, you would need to be authenticated to use the SMTP(Outgoing Mail) server. This is to prevent spammers from gaining access to your SMTP server. Here is how you can be authenticated:

    1. Get connected to the Internet
    2. Start your email software.
    3. Make sure there is no outgoing mail in your outbox.
    4. Log into the POP server to check your email
    5. Now you are authenticated and you should be able to send and receive email w/o any problems. As long as you don't quit the program and stay connected to the net, you wouldn't need to be authenticated anymore.
    If your SMTP access is denied after trying the steps above, you would need to contact your ISP. It is likely that they are not allowing relay to outside SMTP server. More and more ISP's are implementing this feature to prevent spamming.

    There is a very easy workaround to this. All you have to do is use your ISP's SMTP server. This does not affect how your email address appears on your outgoing emails. When recipients of your message hit the reply button, they will see your email address at your domain name.

    1.3.3 Microsoft Outlook 2000/98

    1. Go to Tools | Accounts
    2. Click on Add | Mail
    3. In Display Name, type whatever you want. Click "Next"
    4. E-mail address: whatever@[yourdomain].com Click "Next"
    5. My incoming mail server is a "POP3".
    6. Incoming Mail(POP3 or IMAP)server: mail.[yourdomain].com
    7. Outgoing Mail(SMTP) server: mail.[yourdomain].com or what your ISP provided you.*
    8. Click Next
    9. POP account name: [username], Password: [passwd] Click "Next".
    10. Internet Mail Account Name: whatever you want
    11. Choose your connection type depending on your connection method. If using AOL, choose "Connect through ...LAN..." option.
    12. Click "Finish"
    *Using SMTP Server

    Per dialup session, you would need to be authenticated to use the SMTP(Outgoing Mail) server. This is to prevent spammers from gaining access to your SMTP server. Here is how you can be authenticated:

    1. Get connected to the Internet
    2. Start your email software.
    3. Make sure there is no outgoing mail in your outbox.
    4. Log into the POP server to check your email
    5. Now you are authenticated and you should be able to send and receive email w/o any problems. As long as you don't quit the program and stay connected to the net, you wouldn't need to be authenticated anymore.
    If your SMTP access is denied after trying the steps above, you would need to contact your ISP. It is likely that they are not allowing relay to outside SMTP server. More and more ISP's are implementing this feature to prevent spamming.

    There is a very easy workaround to this. All you have to do is use your ISP's SMTP server. This does not affect how your email address appears on your outgoing emails. When recipients of your message hit the reply button, they will see your email address at your domain name.

    1.3.4 Netscape Communicator

    1. Goto Edit | Preferences | Identity
    2. In "Email Address", enter [username]@[yourdomain].com
    3. In "Reply to...", enter whatever@[yourdomain].com
    4. Goto Mail&Group
    5. In "Mail server user name", enter [username]
    6. Outgoing Mail(SMTP)* server: mail.[yourdomain].com
    7. Incoming Mail(POP3 or IMAP)server: mail.[yourdomain].com
    8. Click "OK"
    *Using SMTP Server

    Per dialup session, you would need to be authenticated to use the SMTP(Outgoing Mail) server. This is to prevent spammers from gaining access to your SMTP server. Here is how you can be authenticated:

    1. Get connected to the Internet
    2. Start your email software.
    3. Make sure there is no outgoing mail in your outbox.
    4. Log into the POP server to check your email
    5. Now you are authenticated and you should be able to send and receive email w/o any problems. As long as you don't quit the program and stay connected to the net, you wouldn't need to be authenticated anymore.
    If your SMTP access is denied after trying the steps above, you would need to contact your ISP. It is likely that they are not allowing relay to outside SMTP server. More and more ISP's are implementing this feature to prevent spamming.

    There is a very easy workaround to this. All you have to do is use your ISP's SMTP server. This does not affect how your email address appears on your outgoing emails. When recipients of your message hit the reply button, they will see your email address at your domain name.

    1.3.5 Eudora

    1. Install and start up the Eudora program
    2. Select "Settings" from the "Special" menu
    3. Select the "Getting Started" tab, then under Real Name, enter your Real Name
    4. Under "POP Account" put [username]@[yourdomain].com
    5. In "Return Address", enter whatever@[yourdomain].com
    6. If you use the Macintosh version, the radio button for TCP/IP connection should be highlighted
    7. Click the "Personal Information" tab (also only for the Macintosh version)
    8. Under POP account put [username]@[yourdomain].com again
    9. Fill out the "Real Name" and "Return Address" as you did before
    10. Under "Dialup User Name" enter yourdomain (do not enter .com or .net here)
    11. Click the "Hosts" tab then enter [username]@[yourdomain].com again under POP Account, and put yourdomain.com under SMTP Server.
    12. Go to the "Checking Mail" tab and make sure "Save Password" is checked.
    *Using SMTP Server

    Per dialup session, you would need to be authenticated to use the SMTP(Outgoing Mail) server. This is to prevent spammers from gaining access to your SMTP server. Here is how you can be authenticated:

    1. Get connected to the Internet
    2. Start your email software.
    3. Make sure there is no outgoing mail in your outbox.
    4. Log into the POP server to check your email
    5. Now you are authenticated and you should be able to send and receive email w/o any problems. As long as you don't quit the program and stay connected to the net, you wouldn't need to be authenticated anymore.
    If your SMTP access is denied after trying the steps above, you would need to contact your ISP. It is likely that they are not allowing relay to outside SMTP server. More and more ISP's are implementing this feature to prevent spamming.

    There is a very easy workaround to this. All you have to do is use your ISP's SMTP server. This does not affect how your email address appears on your outgoing emails. When recipients of your message hit the reply button, they will see your email address at your domain name.

    1.3.6 Other Mail Programs

    Microsoft Internet Mail

    • Full name = Your Name
    • Email = [username]@[yourdomain].com
    • Internet Mail server = mail.[yourdomain].com
    • Account = [username] or [yourdomain]
    • Pass = [passwd]
    • SMTP = mail.[yourdomain].com
    • From = whatever@[yourdomain].com
    • Your Name = Your Name
    • Email Address = [username]@[yourdomain].com
    • Reply to = [username]@[yourdomain].com
    • Mail Server user name = [username]
    • outgoing SMTP = mail.[yourdomain].com
    • Incoming = mail.[yourdomain].com
    If you would like additional POP email accounts, you can set them up through Control Panel. Remember that there may be additional charges for each POP account depending on your account. To check numerous POP accounts, read the manual or help files that come with Eudora or your email client software for configuration. If you are familiar with the shell (Unix) programs, such as "pine", you can use either of these to check and send email as well.

    *Using SMTP Server

    Per dialup session, you would need to be authenticated to use the SMTP(Outgoing Mail) server. This is to prevent spammers from gaining access to your SMTP server. Here is how you can be authenticated:

    1. Get connected to the Internet
    2. Start your email software.
    3. Make sure there is no outgoing mail in your outbox.
    4. Log into the POP server to check your email
    5. Now you are authenticated and you should be able to send and receive email w/o any problems. As long as you don't quit the program and stay connected to the net, you wouldn't need to be authenticated anymore.
    If your SMTP access is denied after trying the steps above, you would need to contact your ISP. It is likely that they are not allowing relay to outside SMTP server. More and more ISP's are implementing this feature to prevent spamming.

    There is a very easy workaround to this. All you have to do is use your ISP's SMTP server. This does not affect how your email address appears on your outgoing emails. When recipients of your message hit the reply button, they will see your email address at your domain name.

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